agriculture is very fragmented and partial, making EU-wide analysis and generalisations very difficult. Even when these figures are available, they obviously do not include irregular migration and undeclared employment, which we know from previous studies and reports to be present 16 in the agricultural sector (Corrado, de Castro, and Perrotta 2016; Górny and Kaczmarczyk 2018; Rye and Scott 2018).
16 On this topic, see for instance the EMN Synthesis Report ± Illegal employment of TCNs in the European Union ( content/uploads/00_eu_illegal_employment_synthesis_report_final_en.pdf, pp. 6, 17), or the Commission UHSRUW RQ WKH LPSOHPHQWaWLRQ RI WKH 2009 EPSOR\HUV¶ SaQFWLRQV DLUHFWLYH (, p. 9).
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