Figure 14. Composite indicator – Financial exclusion
Burkina Faso Madagascar Guinea Niger
Zambia Lesotho Mali Tanzania
Uganda Malawi Côte d'Ivoire
Botswana Morocco Nigeria Sudan Gambia São Tomé and Príncipe Togo eSwatini Zimbabwe Liberia Benin Mozambique
0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 Mauritius Cabo Verde Namibia Tunisia South Africa Cameroon Gabon Senegal Ghana Sierra Leone
Indicator score
Note: Countries are ranked from least (0) to most (1) in terms of the access to digital and financial services of remittance-dependent people. Source: Afrobarometer (2016-2019), own calculations
5.4 Mapping characteristics of the remittance dependent population Composite indicators also enable us to look for vulnerabilities across multiple dimensions by bringing together findings from the indicators. To do this, in Figure 14 we place the scores for the composite indicators on a scatter plot. On this, the following are shown: • The red dots represent countries with higher scores on the Dependence on remittances indicator (above the median) and the blue dots are those with lower scores (below the median). • The vertical axis shows the Economic vulnerability indicator scores, with higher scores towards the top and lower scores at the bottom. • The horizontal axis plots the Financial exclusion indicator scores, with higher scores to the right and lower scores to the left. • The dashed lines dividing the plot represent the median scores, allowing us to compare individual countries with the general trend. This enables us to see where the scores are highest and lowest for each of the composite indicators and to highlight where there are different configurations for different countries.
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